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The perfect recipe

Writer: Coffee BrothersCoffee Brothers

Updated: Jan 8, 2021

Drinking in the day’s first sip of coffee is like paradise massaging the taste buds. It is, as one coffee-in-a-can company figured out long ago, the best part of waking up. For a single moment at your favorite coffee shop, or while your fingers hug your favorite mug in the kitchen, you’ve been taken to the scene of your last vacation – the day’s worries momentarily melting away, letting you breathe in the serenity of sunshine just as the caffeine smacks your brain.

It isn't always easy to measure coffee and get the proportion of coffee to water exactly right.

For a start, there are some variables. For instance, how finely ground is the coffee? The same measure of finely ground coffee will deliver a stronger cup of coffee than a measure of coarse ground coffee.

To further complicate things, some of the instructions provided by coffee experts go something like this:

"Add .36 oz or 10 grams of ground coffee per 6 oz cup."

And what, one might ask, does .36 oz of ground coffee look like? And what is a 6 oz cup?

A coffee CUP (same size as a tea cup) is about 6 fluid ounces.

A coffee MUG contains closer to 8 or 9 fluid ounces.

As for measuring 0.36 oz of coffee, there are a couple of ways to do that.

The first is to use a coffee scoop. A level coffee scoop should hold two tablespoons of coffee, which is approximately 10 grams or 0.36 ounces.

So you should use two tablespoons or one coffee scoop of ground coffee for every 6 fluid ounces of water.

However...a lot of coffee scoop makers are a bit sloppy with their designs. So start by using a 1 tbs kitchen measuring spoon, and make sure your scoop contains 2 tbs of ground coffee. If it doesn’t, use the measuring spoon instead.

Secondly, if you want to be really precise, you can get some digital scales that are precise enough to weigh your coffee to the nearest gram, or better.

So you add...

1 coffee scoop of ground coffee for every 6 fluid ounces of water (for cups)


1 1/3 coffee scoops for every 8-9 ounces of water (for mugs)

This means that if you have an 8-cup coffee maker, you want to pour 8 x 6 ounce cups of water in the reservoir and 8 level scoops of coffee to the filter basket.

And so on.

If you like your coffee a little stronger, you'll soon figure out how much more coffee to add for each brew.

For instance, if you like strong coffee and make enough for 8 x 6 ounce cups, you might end up using ten 10 or 12 scoops instead of 8.

Experiment a little and see what suits your taste the best.

Just keep that coffee scoop close by. It makes it a lot easier to measure coffee, whether you are making one cup or a whole pot.

And when you do measure the ground coffee and water precisely, you'll probably be amazed by the quality of the coffee. A lot of the time people use too much water for too little coffee. The result is a weak brew that always disappoints.

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